Rigging Trolling Lures - Start With Quality Lure Heads

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Rigging trolling lures has fascinated fishermen for centuries. There are various techniques and components, and there is no one true way to rig them. Videos on offshore trolling lures feature top professionals sharing their methods and thoughts. There are many lure sizes and shapes available for various species, and it's important to experiment and make adjustments as you learn.

The idea of rigging trolling lures has always fascinated me. It's just incredibly interesting that long ago fishermen were able to fashion elongated pieces of pipe or wood with some sort of crude skirt, attach hooks, then go out and catch fish. Big fish, at that. When I first started down the path of rigging trolling lures, I sought out the very best fishermen I knew and had them demonstrate their technique. I wanted to know all the rigging components and how each was used. Even today, I am still curious how the best fishermen I know go about rigging trolling lures.

After making several videos on how to rig offshore trolling lures, I still learn something interesting from each fishermen I meet. There is so much nuance in the practice. Success can be achieved with all manners of rigging. There really is no one true way. There are several ways to rig lures. If you want to learn several different rigging techniques, our videos feature top professionals sharing their methods and thoughts.

Learn How to Rig Offshore Lures – Watch videos related to marlin fishing and general saltwater trolling. There is something new and different in everyone of our fishing videos.

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There are so many different lures for so many applications. It is crazy the amount of lure sizes and shapes available for every species. Based on the lure size, the component sizes vary. Hooks, crimps, leader material, cable, shrink tube, chafe gear, so forth and so on, all change. It's never ending. What kind of skirting material do you prefer? Do you use single or double hooks? Do you like a stiff rig, or not? Where do you position your hook relative to the skirt length? There are lots of variables to consider. Once you have a process down and you feel comfortable with your rigging, go with it. Change things and make modifications, as you learn more.

The million dollar question should really be which lures are worth rigging. Today, it seems like every other person is a lure designer and products a so prevalent, it's hard to know which ones are worth a flip. When considering what lures to purchase and add to your arsenal, you really need to do some research on who is doing the designing and the quality of the craftsmanship. Not all lures are created equally. If your lure doesn't run true in the water, it isn't going to catch much. Since the idea of a lure is to mimic some sort of baitfish, it should swim well. I have seen what look like beautiful lures not swim well, due to shoddy molding and poor finishing.

Start by buying the very best you can. Don't just go by what is advertised in magazines or on your favorite social media platform. Many of the best lure craftsman will not be well known outside the inner circle of the upper levels of big game fishing. By doing a little research, you will learn about these folks. Their lures may be a little more expensive, but the results will speak for themselves. Attention to details is huge.

When you look back over time and take note of the innovation that we have seen with product development and the use of plastics, the evolution is remarkable. It wasn't that long ago when your lure choices were very limited. Now, it is just a matter of doing your due diligence to find well crafted lures.

If I could give one piece of advice, it would be to learn a proven technique for rigging trolling lures and perfect it. Rig and rig some more. It is not a complicated process. It is just attention to detail. Once you have your lures rigged, take them out and see how they swim behind your boat. Position them on different waves and in different seas to see how they perform. You will see lures swim differently in flat seas versus rough seas. Know what you are putting out and get your spread set up the right way.

Seth Horne In The Spread,
Chief Creator
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