Category: Marlin

big blue marlin jumping out of the water

Top Blue Marlin Fishing Destinations for Big Fish

The majestic blue marlin holds a special allure for sport fishermen seeking trophy catches. We explore prime destinations worldwide for encountering these aquatic titans, from the Azores' bountiful seas to the unspoiled waters of remote Vanuatu. Experience the thrill of the chase across the globe.

Blue Marlin – The Ultimate Game Fish

The blue marlin, Makaira nigricans, is a large oceanic fish species with a distinctive elongated body and sharp bill. It belongs to the Istiophoridae family and is known for its metallic blue dorsal side and silvery white underbelly. Known for its large size and high value for sport fishing, it is considered a delicacy in many countries.

Blue Marlin – Offshore Fishing and Lure Rigging

Blue marlin fishing is a thrilling sport for sport fishers, with Atlantic and Pacific blue marlin being two of the most coveted gamefish. Techniques include trolling, bait and switch, and live baiting. Trolling involves dragging lures behind a boat at different depths and speeds, while bait and switch uses live baitfish to attract the marlin's attention. In The Spread, a sport fishing educational video company, offers valuable information on rigging lures and trolling techniques.

Blue Marlin Fishing – Tips for Success

Blue Marlin fishing is a fascinating art that requires understanding the fish's behavior, habitat, and techniques. They are apex predators found in tropical and subtropical waters, with their favorite food being flying fish. In The Spread, we provide comprehensive educational videos on techniques, tackle, and strategies to enhance the sport fishing experience and protect the marine environment.

Blue Marlin - Smart Fishing Made Easy

Blue Marlin - Smart Fishing Made Easy

Blue marlin, a large, powerful fish, are highly prized by recreational and commercial fishermen due to their distinctive blue color, long bill, and agile swimming abilities. Found in tropical and subtropical waters, they are apex predators and are vulnerable to overfishing and human activities. They play an important role in marine ecosystems and are classified in the Perciformes order.

Marlin Fishing - Kevin Hibbard

Marlin Fishing - Kevin Hibbard

The author shares their experience with talented fishermen, particularly Kevin Hibbard, who is known for his ability to teach and share their knowledge. They emphasize the importance of working with subject matter experts, and when filming marlin fishing in Hawaii, Hibbard was chosen due to his expertise in trolling lures for big fish.

Rigging Trolling Lures - Start With Quality Lure Heads

Rigging Trolling Lures - Start With Quality Lure Heads

Rigging trolling lures has fascinated fishermen for centuries. There are various techniques and components, and there is no one true way to rig them. Videos on offshore trolling lures feature top professionals sharing their methods and thoughts. There are many lure sizes and shapes available for various species, and it's important to experiment and make adjustments as you learn.

David Brackmann explains a Marlin Lure Spread

Marlin Lure Spread

A marlin lure spread is a crucial aspect of fishing, attracting blue marlin. It involves setting up a proper spread, deciding on the order and lures to use. The author, who has experienced fishing in various destinations, believes in learning from successful fishermen. The author aims to help anglers become more aware of the variables involved in a marlin lure spread, fostering a deeper understanding of the sport.

Marlin Fishing - David Brackmann

Marlin Fishing - David Brackmann

David Brackmann's approach to marlin fishing is a blend of art and science, focusing on the selection of lures, understanding the lure's swimming cycle, and positioning on the wave. He also discusses lure positions, leader, connections, lure dynamics, and rigging tips. Brackmann's passion for the sport and willingness to share knowledge make him an invaluable resource for anglers seeking to improve their skills and increase their chances of catching the blue marlin.