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marlin lures

  • Blue Marlin Fishing - Trolling Lures with Kevin Hibbard

    2021, Blue Marlin - Trolling Lures with Kevin Hibbard

    Captain Kevin Hibbard, a marlin expert, shares his knowledge of trolling and lures in a marlin fishing video. He discusses lure patterns, swimming cycles, and proper lure choices based on sea conditions. Hibbard's expertise in rigs, leader material, and natural bend and memory of leaders adds value to his fishing skills.

  • Rigging Marlin Fishing Lures and Terminal Connections

    2019, Blue Marlin - Rigging Lures and Terminal Connections

    The Reel Teaser Fishing Adventures crew engages in diverse fishing activities, including offshore trips, trolls, and backcountry expeditions for barramundi. Their rigs and terminal connections must be sound to catch big fish in Western Australia. Captain Ross Newton, a skilled big game fisherman, uses a unique stiff rig system. Chris Rushford, a skilled fishing instructor, will demonstrate the rig's use in marlin fishing.

  • 2019, Blue Marlin - Rigging Lures with RJ Boyle

    This saltwater fisherman's video provides an extensive examination of rigging tools and tackle for offshore trolling lures. RJ Boyle is a meticulous rigner, demonstrating step-by-step techniques like making hook sets, positioning the hook, and seating the skirt on the lure head. By following RJ's rigs, you can learn from the best and fish smarter.

  • Trolling Lure Design

    2018, Trolling Lures - Design Thoughts with Peter Bristow

    Capt. Peter Bristow, a renowned Great Barrier Reef and Madeira fishing expert, highlights the importance of attention to detail in lure design. He demonstrates that top-heavy lures may not run true due to poor molds. Bristow emphasizes the need for quality head shapes and research when purchasing lures to avoid deceptive purchases. He advises fishermen to buy from the best trolling lure craftsman and take time to ensure a true and balanced design.

  • How to Rig Offshore Trolling Lures

    2018, Trolling Lures - Rigging for Offshore Fishing

    In the In The Spread fishing video, Roddy Hays, a knowledgeable and experienced instructor, discusses principles and dynamics related to fishing for marlin, tuna, and wahoo. He explains how to rig offshore trolling lures, preferring specific lure shapes, matching baits to species behavior, and determining sea conditions. The video provides valuable information for those looking to fish smarter and confidently.

  • Offshore Trolling Lures and Rigging Techniques

    2018, Trolling Lures - Offshore Fishing and Rigging Techniques

    In The Spread fishing video features top big game fishermen and lure designers, covering head shapes, swim principles, skirts, skirting options, hooks, and lure positions. It offers detailed presentations on rigging, showcasing the best techniques and enhancing big game fishing skills.

  • 2018, Trolling Lures - Offshore Fishing Basics with Roddy Hays

    Roddy Hays and RJ Boyle discussed trolling lures for marlin, wahoo, and tuna, discussing preferences, performance, and sea conditions. They discussed long head, cupped face, slant heads, super plungers, tubes, and bullets, offering valuable perspectives for smarter fishing.

  • Featured

    2023, Blue Marlin – Offshore Fishing and Lure Rigging

    Blue marlin fishing is a thrilling sport for sport fishers, with Atlantic and Pacific blue marlin being two of the most coveted gamefish. Techniques include trolling, bait and switch, and live baiting. Trolling involves dragging lures behind a boat at different depths and speeds, while bait and switch uses live baitfish to attract the marlin's attention. In The Spread, a sport fishing educational video company, offers valuable information on rigging lures and trolling techniques.

  • 2023, Blue Marlin Fishing – Tips for Success

    Blue Marlin fishing is a fascinating art that requires understanding the fish's behavior, habitat, and techniques. They are apex predators found in tropical and subtropical waters, with their favorite food being flying fish. In The Spread, we provide comprehensive educational videos on techniques, tackle, and strategies to enhance the sport fishing experience and protect the marine environment.

  • Blue Marlin - Smart Fishing Made Easy

    2023, Blue Marlin - Smart Fishing Made Easy

    Blue marlin, a large, powerful fish, are highly prized by recreational and commercial fishermen due to their distinctive blue color, long bill, and agile swimming abilities. Found in tropical and subtropical waters, they are apex predators and are vulnerable to overfishing and human activities. They play an important role in marine ecosystems and are classified in the Perciformes order.

  • Rigging Trolling Lures - Start With Quality Lure Heads

    2021, Rigging Trolling Lures - Start With Quality Lure Heads

    Rigging trolling lures has fascinated fishermen for centuries. There are various techniques and components, and there is no one true way to rig them. Videos on offshore trolling lures feature top professionals sharing their methods and thoughts. There are many lure sizes and shapes available for various species, and it's important to experiment and make adjustments as you learn.

  • Dredge Pulley Setup

    2020, Dredge Pulley Setup

    Dredge fishing is a popular method for catching billfish, including sailfish, blue marlin, black marlin, white marlin, striped marlin, and tuna. However, the dredge pulley setup is crucial for deploying and retrieving dredges without causing stress on the tackle. Modern dredges, made of stainless steel or titanium, can pull various artificial lures and dead baits.

  • Rigging Trolling Lures | Skirted Baits

    2020, Rigging Trolling Lures - Skirted Baits

    Rigging trolling lures is a subjective aspect of big game fishing, with the best big game fishermen using specific lures designed by specific craftsmen. Head shapes, skirting materials, and the overlap in brands like Big T, Black Bart, Moyes, and Joe Yee are crucial factors in determining the final product.

  • How to Rig Offshore Trolling Lures

    2020, How to Rig Offshore Trolling Lures

    Rigging offshore trolling lures involves considering design factors like head shape, skirt, and weight. Learners should seek out successful fishermen to learn how to rig lures. Videos can provide a first-person experience and help visualize the multi-step process. By talking to successful fishermen, one can learn how to rig lures and ensure they produce bites.

  • Saltwater Fishing Videos - Offshore Tactics and Techniques

    2020, Offshore Fishing Videos - Learn Something New

    Offshore fishing videos are not just for watching fisherman catch fish but also for learning from successful fishermen. The Spread aims to share fishing knowledge and provide a solid plan of execution. Understanding ocean conditions, weather, and safety equipment is crucial for success. Returning to land safely is the most important part of the offshore fishing adventure.

  • Rowley Shoals Fishing - Learn the Reef

    2019, Rowley Shoals Fishing - Learn the Reef

    The In The Spread team is exploring the shelf atoll of Rowley Shoals, 150 miles off Australia's west coast, for reef and offshore fishing. They'll use Tom Hilton's Realtime Navigator and satellite imagery to find fishable areas, including blue marlin, black marlin, yellowfin tuna, sailfish, and wahoo. They'll film for new fishing videos.

  • Marlin Fishing - David Brackmann

    2018, Marlin Fishing - David Brackmann

    David Brackmann's approach to marlin fishing is a blend of art and science, focusing on the selection of lures, understanding the lure's swimming cycle, and positioning on the wave. He also discusses lure positions, leader, connections, lure dynamics, and rigging tips. Brackmann's passion for the sport and willingness to share knowledge make him an invaluable resource for anglers seeking to improve their skills and increase their chances of catching the blue marlin.