Marlin Fishing - Lure Spread Setup - Kona Style

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Instructor: Kevin Hibbard

Explore the thrilling world of marlin fishing in Hawaii. Learn from experts Kevin Hibbard and Kris Ishibashi on setting the perfect lure spread and mastering Omni sonar for the ultimate catch.

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Video Summary

  • In-depth insights from Capt. Kevin Hibbard, experienced in diverse global fisheries.
  • Detailed guidance on setting up effective lure spreads for marlin fishing.
  • Strategies for leveraging Omni sonar technology in marlin fishing.
  • Exploring different lure types and optimal positioning on waves for attracting marlin.
  • Techniques for adjusting lure spreads in varying sea conditions, emphasizing Hawaii's unique conditions.
This comprehensive video delves into the intricate world of blue marlin fishing, focusing on the art of setting up a lure spread for calm water. This is not just a video about fishing Hawaii. The principles shared apply to any fishery where calm waters are prevalent.

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Kevin Hibbard

Captain Kevin Hibbard, a renowned blue marlin fishing expert, has a deep connection to the ocean and has honed his skills in heavy tackle and lure fishing. He has honed his knowledge and techniques from the best captains in the business, including Henry Chee and George Parker. Hibbard's approach to fishing is simple, focused, and trusting, ensuring the best lures are chosen for the ocean's conditions. His dedication to the craft and his passion for the ocean's giants make him a sought-after fishing expert.

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