Blue Marlin - Rigging Lures and Terminal Connections

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Instructor: Chris Rushford

The Reel Teaser Fishing Adventures crew engages in diverse fishing activities, including offshore trips, trolls, and backcountry expeditions for barramundi. Their rigs and terminal connections must be sound to catch big fish in Western Australia. Captain Ross Newton, a skilled big game fisherman, uses a unique stiff rig system. Chris Rushford, a skilled fishing instructor, will demonstrate the rig's use in marlin fishing.

Description / Review / Instructor


  • Global Phenomenon: Blue marlin fishing is more than a hobby; it's a global sensation.
  • Preferred Technique: Seasoned fishermen favor trolling lures to increase the chances of catching blue marlin.
  • Lure Rigging: The process of rigging lures is intricate, captivating, and crucial for success.
  • Ross Newton: A giant in Australian billfishing, renowned for his expertise in tackle intricacies and rigging.
  • Reel Teaser Team: Led by Ross, includes his wife Tracey and son Chris Rushford, each a master in their own right.
  • Rigging Techniques: Reel Teaser employs unique rigging methods, such as the stiff rig on the Joe Yee super plunger.

Blue Marlin Fishing: The Art and Science Behind Lure Rigging

Blue marlin fishing isn't just a pastime; it's a global phenomenon, a pulsating dance between man and nature. Enthusiasts around the world employ a plethora of techniques from pulling rigged baits—whether live or dead—to other more intricate methods. However, ask any seasoned fisherman, and they'll likely share a common preference: trolling lures.

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