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lure rigging

  • Rigging Marlin Fishing Lures and Terminal Connections

    2019, Blue Marlin - Rigging Lures and Terminal Connections

    The Reel Teaser Fishing Adventures crew engages in diverse fishing activities, including offshore trips, trolls, and backcountry expeditions for barramundi. Their rigs and terminal connections must be sound to catch big fish in Western Australia. Captain Ross Newton, a skilled big game fisherman, uses a unique stiff rig system. Chris Rushford, a skilled fishing instructor, will demonstrate the rig's use in marlin fishing.

  • 2019, Blue Marlin - Rigging Lures with RJ Boyle

    This saltwater fisherman's video provides an extensive examination of rigging tools and tackle for offshore trolling lures. RJ Boyle is a meticulous rigner, demonstrating step-by-step techniques like making hook sets, positioning the hook, and seating the skirt on the lure head. By following RJ's rigs, you can learn from the best and fish smarter.

  • 2023, Blue Marlin – Offshore Fishing and Lure Rigging

    Blue marlin fishing is a thrilling sport for sport fishers, with Atlantic and Pacific blue marlin being two of the most coveted gamefish. Techniques include trolling, bait and switch, and live baiting. Trolling involves dragging lures behind a boat at different depths and speeds, while bait and switch uses live baitfish to attract the marlin's attention. In The Spread, a sport fishing educational video company, offers valuable information on rigging lures and trolling techniques.

  • Rigging Trolling Lures | Skirted Baits

    2020, Rigging Trolling Lures - Skirted Baits

    Rigging trolling lures is a subjective aspect of big game fishing, with the best big game fishermen using specific lures designed by specific craftsmen. Head shapes, skirting materials, and the overlap in brands like Big T, Black Bart, Moyes, and Joe Yee are crucial factors in determining the final product.

  • Rigging Trolling Lures - Swimming Plugs

    2020, Rigging Trolling Lures - Swimming Plugs

    Trolling lures for saltwater fishing can be categorized into skirted lures, swimming plugs, and stick baits. These lures are designed to mimic the appearance of specific fish, with a bib or lip on the front that forces it down into the water column. The vibration created by the lure attracts fish to strike. The rigging technique for swimming plugs is based on the fish's size and power.