Snook - Jigging with SlobRob

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Instructor: Slob Rob

In The Spread snook fishing video features Slob Rob, a cat who fishes from land and hauls in big snook. He shares his land-based techniques for snook, including using custom jigs for big robalo around bridges. Rob's techniques include knowing where snook like to set up, presenting baits, and retrieval methods. The video simplifies the learning curve for snook fishing in Florida, focusing on the jigging rod, fishing reel, line, and leader.

Description / Review / Instructor

Summary of Key Points:

  • Snook fishing is a popular and challenging game fishing experience in Florida
  • Jig fishing is an effective technique for targeting big snook
  • Local expert Rob Conner shares his tips and techniques for jig fishing around bridges
  • Snook behavior and preferences for structure and moving water are discussed
  • Jig fishing allows anglers to cover more of the water column and keep presentations in the optimal zone

This video features a cat that has a real knack for catching monsters. Meet Rob Conner, aka Slob Rob. This dude is a fishyAF underground ninja. He's one of those guys that, anytime you ask him, knows the bite, the tides, where they are feeding, when to fish and when not to. He might be a bit quirky, but he's a snook assassin. One of his go-to snook lures? A jig. The big flair hawk jigs he ties himself are known to attract big fish. In this video, Rob will show you his method for how to fish a jig around bridges.

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