Planer Fishing - In-Line Planers with Chad Raney

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Instructor: Chad Raney

In-line planers are an effective method for targeting suspended fish in the water column. This innovative method involves using an in-line bridle and a wind-on leader. Miami Captain Chad Raney shares his knowledge on wind-on leader, rigs, baits, planers, boat driving skills, tackle, and secrets to make fishing smarter and more productive. By mastering these techniques, you can catch a variety of fish, including mackerel, wahoo, tuna, snapper, amberjacks, and sailfish.

Description / Review / Instructor

Do you want to catch more fish in saltwater? Then you need to master the fine art of planer fishing. Planer fishing is a technique that allows you to troll your baits at different depths, where the fish are hanging out. Whether you are targeting mackerel, tuna, bonito, wahoo, billfish, or any other gamefish, planer fishing can help you get more bites and more fish.

What is Planer Fishing?

Planer fishing is a technique that uses a device called a planer to pull your bait down to the desired depth. A planer is a metal plate that has a hole on one end and a ring on the other. The hole is attached to your main line, and the ring is attached to your leader and hook. As you troll, the planer dives down and creates drag, which keeps your bait below the surface.

There are two methods of planer fishing: the old school method and the in-line method. The old school method involves reeling the planer to the rod tip and then hand-lining the leader to bring the fish to the boat. This can be tiring and cumbersome, especially if you have a lot of line out or a big fish on. The in-line method involves attaching the planer directly to your line with a bridle rig. This way, you can crank up the planer, remove it from the line, and then continue reeling the fish all the way to the boat. This makes things a lot easier and faster.

How to Use In-Line Planers

In this video, you will learn how to use in-line planers for saltwater fishing. You will learn from Capt. Chad Raney, a life-long South Florida fisherman who has fished with both methods and knows how to rig ballyhoo the best way possible. He will show you:

  • How to choose the right size and type of planer for your fishing situation
  • How to make a bridle rig for attaching and removing the planer from your line
  • How to set and trip the planer with ease
  • How to choose and rig your baits for in-line planer fishing
  • How to drive the boat while deploying and running planers
  • How to catch fish with in-line planers

You will also see how effective in-line planer fishing can be for catching various saltwater gamefish, such as mackerel, tuna, bonito, wahoo, billfish, and more. You will see how in-line planer fishing can put you on fish when other boats are catching very little or nothing.

Why You Should Watch This Video

This video is not just a tutorial on how to use in-line planers. It is also a demonstration of how in-line planer fishing can improve your fishing skills and results. You will get tips and tricks from an experienced angler who has spent years on the water perfecting his techniques. You will also get to see how each rig looks in the water and how it performs when hooked up with a fish.

If you want to catch more fish in saltwater, you need to watch this video. Watch it now and learn how to use in-line planers for saltwater fishing like a pro!

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