Planer Fishing - Rods and Reels

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Instructor: RJ Boyle

This fishing video provides suggestions for rods and reels suitable for planer fishing, considering the pressure on gear. Medium action rods with good tip flexibility are ideal, and line guides and reel seats are important. The focus is on durability and longevity, not high-speed reels. The video discusses everyday gear and their durability.

Description / Review / Instructor

In The Spread dives deep into the basic rod and reel setups for planer fishing. RJ Boyle, a big game tackle shop owner and seasoned commercial fisherman, shares his insights on setups that are ideal for both novices and seasoned anglers. We understand that many fishermen grapple with the right tackle for planer fishing. We're here to help.

The Premise

If you're starting from scratch, with no tackle, and you're looking to dive into planer fishing, you might be wondering: What do I need? The answer varies based on your fishing experience and what you intend to do with the rods and reels. The goal is to equip you with versatile tackle, not just for planer fishing. This sets the stage for RJ's demonstration.

Our Take on Fishing Tackle

Whenever we discuss fishing tackle in our videos, it's essential to note that there are numerous reputable rod and reel manufacturers. Our recommendations are based on products we've personally used and trust. We're not pushing any specific brands. Feel free to use what you prefer or consider our suggestions. We aim to guide you.

Rod Recommendations

For planer fishing, we suggest a rod with a flexible tip. Each rod is unique, and the action varies. A medium action rod (30-50 lb) with a pliable upper half is perfect. Avoid overly stiff rods. If you can't detect the bite, you're in for trouble. The video showcases the exact action your rod tip should possess. Ideally, the rod should handle size 3-8 planers and be 6-7 feet long. We strongly recommend metal reel seats. Given the pressure exerted on the reel seat when cranking on a reel in the gunnel, plastic reel seats might not hold up.

Reel Recommendations

There's a vast array of reels suitable for planer fishing. We're partial to the classic Penn Senator. It's reliable, robust, and versatile enough for various game fish. It's particularly well-suited for planer fishing. While its retrieve might be on the slower side, it's a boon for this fishing type. Regardless of your reel choice, maintenance is crucial. Regular cleaning and lubrication ensure longevity. The Senator, when well-maintained, is built to last.

In the video, you'll spot several rod and reel combinations. We spotlight basic setup suggestions. Absorb the information and integrate the parts that resonate with your fishing approach.

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