Wahoo - High Speed Trolling Cay Sal

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Instructor: RJ Boyle

High Speed Trolling video from The Spread showcases thrilling wahoo fishing action, filmed on a boat. The video highlights the importance of a frontal system and the long-lasting bites. The video also provides tips on handling wahoo, including grabbing them with gill rakers for control and snapping pictures. Enjoy the gratuitous wahoo fishing action and thank those who taught you.

Description / Review / Instructor

Enjoy some gratuitous wahoo fishing action from our full-length High Speed Trolling video. This isn't just about the thrill of reel screaming action with solid wahoo on the gaff; there are valuable insights shared throughout.

Key Highlights:

  •     Discussion Points: Why was the fishing particularly good on this day? How should you handle wahoo as they're brought into the boat?
  •     Gear Used: Both conventional reels and electric reels from Hooker Electric were in action.

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