Wahoo - Driving the Edge High Speed Trolling

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Instructor: RJ Boyle

Watch part 3 of the high speed wahoo trolling video about driving the edge. I added these parts, so you can quickly find some of the best parts of the video without having to watch the whole video. Edge trolling is difficult for a lot of fisherman. The wahoo are on the edge and that is where you need to focus your efforts. In the Bahamas the edge is hard, dropping off very quickly. It is not a straight line, but rather a zig zagging rough pattern of coral reefs. Take advantage of this short video on driving the edge featuring RJ Boyle. RJ commercial fished for much of his early life. His ability to feed his family depended on catching fish. Listen to what he is explaining. Driving the edge, as you trolling for wahoo, requires understanding how your lures move behind the boat as you drive. The boat may be in deep water, while the lures are in shallow. With a steep edge, you need to keep your lures in the right depth to get max bites. This is a crash course in edge trolling. Watch and learn how to catch wahoo driving the hard edge in the Bahamas. The principles shared here will make a difference.

Description / Review / Instructor

Wahoo Fishing: Understanding the Edge

Wahoo are structure-oriented fish, so in the islands much of the structure is made up of reef edges. Bait gathers onto the edge for protection or is swept out during tidal movements. This is where the wahoo fishing is best. The edge is something you need to understand.

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william ashworth 04.21.2022

Marshall 04.24.2020


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