Planer Fishing - Techniques for Big Boat Driving

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Instructor: RJ Boyle

When trolling planers, it's crucial to understand the relationship between speed over ground and current and manage planers when turning back. Consider the speed of the fish and the depth of the water when marking them. Use electronics to measure fish locations and adjust baits accordingly to trigger bites and catch more fish.

Description / Review / Instructor

Boat driving is crucial when trolling with planers. It's essential to grasp the relationship between your speed, the current, and the behavior of your planers underwater. Combine this knowledge with the location of your bites. It might seem daunting initially, but it doesn't have to be.

This planer fishing video offers some advanced tips on boat driving once you've found a school of fish:

  • Approaching the School: How should you approach a school of fish? If you're trolling with the current at a specific speed and get a bite, what's the first step?

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