Dolphin Fishing - Chumming and Chunking

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Instructor: RJ Boyle
Categories: Saltwater Dolphin

A dolphin fishing video demonstrates how to catch a large school of fish using menhaden oil, chumming, and chunking. These techniques trigger feeding behavior, keep dolphins happy, and keep the food flowing. It's crucial to avoid overcrowding and maintain a steady supply of food to avoid losing the school.

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Quick Summary of Dolphin Fishing - Chumming and Chunking

  • Importance of preparation when dolphin fishing
  • Using menhaden oil, chum bags, and chunks to attract and keep dolphin schools
  • Tips for effectively using oil, chum, and chunks
  • Maintaining a steady food supply to control the fish
  • Implementing an angling rotation for systematic fishing
  • Frequently asked questions about dolphin fishing techniques

When you hook your first dolphin fish on a weedline, around floating debris, or under birds, the thrill is unmatched. However, the real challenge lies in attracting and keeping the school of dolphin that follows the first catch behind your boat. Mastering the techniques of using menhaden oil, a chum bag, and chunks can make the difference between returning home empty-handed or as a champion. This video takes a comprehensive look at how to keep the dolphin school behind your boat. Learn advanced fishing techniques for dolphin.

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