Dolphin Fishing - Rigs and Strip Baits

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Instructor: RJ Boyle

To successfully fish for dolphins offshore, have a variety of trolling rigs ready for use when encountering birds, debris, or currents. Begin your chunking, chumming, and oil program by keeping fish behind the boat. Use appropriate lures and jigs, such as mono and wire, and add strips for durability. Proper rigs and baits are crucial for catching dolphins.

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Video Summary:

  • Explore various dolphin fishing rigs used by S. Florida fisherman RJ Boyle
  • Learn about trolling rigs, jigs, and lures for optimal dolphin fishing
  • Discover tips for trolling, chumming, and using strip baits to attract mahi mahi
  • Find out how to craft your own dolphin fishing rigs with comprehensive demonstrations
  • Get insights on the best techniques for catching dolphin fish efficiently

To successfully catch dolphin, it's essential to use the right rigs and techniques. In this article, we'll explore various dolphin fishing rigs and strip baits used by experienced fisherman RJ Boyle from South Florida. Trolling rigs are your best bet for that initial bite. We'll begin by discussing trolling rigs and then delve into jigs suitable for times when the mahi mahi aren't biting the chunk baits you offer. You'll get to see rigs both with and without strip baits, rigged with mono and wire.

Creating your own dolphin fishing rigs can be a rewarding and cost-effective way to customize your tackle for maximum effectiveness. By following some simple guidelines and techniques, you can craft rigs that are perfectly suited to your fishing style and the conditions you'll be fishing in. Learn how with this video.

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David Smith 06.21.2022

David Groom 04.23.2022


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