Swordfishing - Techniques for Hand Crank with RJ Boyle

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Instructor: RJ Boyle

Anglers can choose between electric reels or hand cranking swordfish for a more sporty experience. RJ Boyle, an accomplished swordfishing angler, demonstrates how to deploy baits, drive the hook, and capture swordfish. He covers tackle, breakaway rig deployment, hook drive, and capturing the fish, allowing anglers to confidently go to swordfish grounds and become smarter fishers.

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Video Summary:

  • Learn the essential techniques for hand cranking swordfish
  • Discover the ideal tackle setup for successful swordfishing
  • Master the art of deploying bait and recognizing bites
  • Gain insights from Florida swordfishing expert RJ Boyle
  • Become IGFA compliant and pursue record-breaking catches

For swordfishing enthusiasts, record seekers, or those aspiring to be IGFA (International Game Fish Association) compliant, the "In The Spread Hand Cranking Swordfish" video is a must-watch. This comprehensive guide, the fourth installment in our daytime swordfishing series, delves into the manual hand crank approach to offshore fishing. While not easy, mastering the basics can make this method accessible to determined anglers.

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