Dolphin Fishing - Frigate Birds Mean Big Fish

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Instructor: RJ Boyle

Fregate birds, like dolphins and billfish, follow dolphins to feed on bait near the surface. Analyze the bird's behavior, focusing on its behavior and proximity to the water. Prepare rods, tackle, and baits, and try trolling around the dolphin's circle to catch them.

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Summary of Key Points on Dolphin Fishing - Frigate Birds Mean Big Fish

  • Frigate birds, also known as man-o-war birds, can indicate the presence of bigger fish like dolphin, wahoo, and billfish.
  • Marine life tends to cluster in specific areas influenced by structures, current edges, upwellings, or other factors that foster a food chain.
  • Sea birds, especially frigate birds, are nature's fish finders due to their ability to fly and exceptional vision.
  • Understanding the behavior of frigate birds can lead you to prime dolphin fishing spots.
  • Approach the area where frigate birds are circling cautiously, maintaining a distance of about 100 feet and considering the current's direction.

Dolphin fishing enthusiasts know that spotting frigate birds can be a game-changer when it comes to locating and catching big fish. These sea birds, also known as man-o-war birds, have an uncanny ability to find marine life aggregations, making them invaluable allies for anglers seeking trophy catches.

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