Dolphin Fishing - Terminal Tackle

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Instructor: RJ Boyle

This dolphin fishing video by RJ Boyle explains the importance of two rigs for mahi mahi. The moon plays a role in determining the appropriate rig and bait. Monofilament and fluorocarbon leader material are used for picky fish, while fluoro and live bait are recommended for hungry fish. The video covers leader material, hooks, knots, crimps, and sabiki rigs. With the right mindset and terminal tackle, dolphin fishing is simple.

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Key Takeaways from Dolphin Fishing - Terminal Tackle

  • Fluorocarbon and chunking rigs are essential for casting to mahi mahi
  • 80 lb monofilament is the most common leader material, with 130 lb mono recommended for larger dolphins
  • Fluorocarbon leaders are crucial during full moons when fish are finicky
  • Live bait, especially juvenile blue runners, is key during full moons
  • RJ Boyle, a renowned South Florida angler, shares his expertise on rigging for dolphin fishing

Dolphin fishing, also known as mahi mahi fishing, is a popular angling pursuit in many coastal regions. When it comes to catching these vibrant and acrobatic fish, having the right terminal tackle is essential. In this article, we'll explore the key components of a successful dolphin fishing rig, drawing from the insights of RJ Boyle, a renowned South Florida angler and tackle shop owner.

The Two Essential Rigs

According to RJ Boyle, when it comes to casting to dolphin fish attracted to the back of your boat, you only need two main rigs:

  • Fluorocarbon Rig
  • Chunking Rig

While there are countless feathers, lures, and other items available for catching dolphin fish, RJ emphasizes the importance of simplifying your tackle selection. By focusing on these two essential rigs, you can streamline your approach and concentrate on what matters most: fishing.

Leader Material

When it comes to leader material for mahi mahi fishing, 80 lb monofilament is the most commonly used option. However, if you find yourself in waters teeming with dolphins weighing over 50 lbs, it's wise to upgrade to 130 lb mono. As for the color of the mono, whether clear, pink, or smoke, it doesn't significantly impact your success in dolphin fishing.

That said, there are times when a different approach is necessary. During a full moon, when fish can be particularly finicky, RJ recommends switching to a fluorocarbon (fluoro) leader. Fluoro is less visible underwater and can make a difference in enticing wary dolphins to bite. When selecting a fluorocarbon leader, opt for any reputable brand to ensure quality and reliability.

The Moon's Impact on Dolphin Fishing

The moon phase can have a significant influence on the feeding habits of dolphin fish. During a full moon, dolphins tend to feed throughout the night, which can make them less hungry and more challenging to catch during the day. In these conditions, a fluorocarbon leader becomes essential, paired with super sharp hooks and live bait.

RJ demonstrates how to craft the fluoro rig in his video guide, discussing his preferred hooks, leader, mainline, and casting knots. He emphasizes the importance of using live bait during a full moon, as it can be the key to inducing bites from even the most finicky dolphins. Some of the top live bait options for dolphin fishing include:

  • Pilchards
  • Herring
  • Juvenile blue runners

In particular, RJ notes that some dolphins might only be enticed by juvenile blue runners. This highlights the importance of having sabiki rigs on hand to catch these juveniles. The takeaway? When it comes to tempting dolphins during a full moon, juvenile blue runners are hard to resist.

On the other hand, during smaller moon phases when dolphins are generally hungrier, a mono rig with long shank hooks can suffice. RJ elaborates on the best hooks for this setup and walks viewers through the entire rig setup process, from hooks to leader, crimps, snap swivel, and mainline.

RJ Boyle's Expertise

Throughout this video, RJ Boyle's meticulous nature and attention to detail shine through in his approach to terminal tackle. His expertise in rigging proves invaluable for anglers looking to up their dolphin fishing game. By breaking down the two essential rigs for boat casting—the fluoro rig and the chunking rig—RJ simplifies the process and helps anglers focus on what matters most: enjoying the thrill of the catch.

Whether you're a seasoned angler or new to fishing for mahi, RJ Boyle's insights and recommendations can help you refine your terminal tackle selection and increase your chances of success. By understanding the importance of leader material, the moon's impact on feeding habits, and the value of live bait, you'll be well-equipped to target dolphin fish in a variety of conditions.

What are the two essential rigs for dolphin fishing?

The two essential rigs for casting to dolphin fish are the fluorocarbon rig and the chunking rig, as explained by expert angler RJ Boyle.

What leader material is best for dolphin fishing?

80 lb monofilament is the most common leader material for dolphin fishing, with 130 lb mono recommended for larger dolphins over 50 lbs. During full moons, a fluorocarbon leader is often the best choice.

How does the moon phase affect dolphin fishing?

During a full moon, dolphins tend to feed throughout the night, making them less hungry and more challenging to catch during the day. In these conditions, a fluorocarbon leader, sharp hooks, and live bait become essential.

What are some top live bait options for catching dolphin fish?

Some of the best live bait options for dolphin fishing include pilchards, herring, and juvenile blue runners. Juvenile blue runners can be particularly effective during full moons.

Who is RJ Boyle, and why is his expertise valuable for dolphin fishing?

RJ Boyle is a renowned South Florida angler and tackle shop owner. His meticulous approach to terminal tackle and expertise in rigging make his insights invaluable for anglers looking to improve their dolphin fishing success.

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