Seatrout- Summer Techniques with William Toney

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Instructor: William Toney

In The Spread Summer Sea Trout Fishing, Florida Capt. William Toney shares tactics and techniques for catching sea trout, the king of inshore waters. He covers when to target trout, optimal conditions, slow drifting, and using a popping cork rig with various jigs.

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Summary of Video Content:

  • William Toney, a renowned inshore fishing guide in Florida, shares his expertise on seatrout fishing techniques for the summer season.
  • The video discusses the effectiveness of using a popping cork rig for catching speckled seatrout.
  • Tips on rigging and using the popping cork, the mechanics of the rig, choosing the right fishing spot, and drifting the flat are provided.
  • The video highlights the importance of learning from experienced anglers like William Toney to master fishing skills.

In Captain William Toney's latest video, "Seatrout- Summer Techniques," he delves into the nuances of catching speckled seatrout during the summer months using a popping cork rig.

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Captain William Toney

Captain William Toney, a Florida native, is a fourth-generation fishing guide known for his expertise in Redfish, Sea Trout, Mangrove Snapper, Snook and other fish species. He is a licensed and insured guide, a Homosassa Guide's Association member, and hosts 'In The Spread', an online fishing instruction platform. Toney's expertise in redfish, tides, and bait presentation is unparalleled, and he shares his knowledge on seasonal fish migration patterns and tidal flows. His dedication to passing on his knowledge to younger generations is invaluable.

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