Swordfishing - Daytime Fishing in Florida with RJ Boyle

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Instructor: RJ Boyle

In The Spread Daytime Swordfish instructional fishing video by RJ Boyle teaches beginners broadbill swordfish techniques, including catching fish from 1000 feet to the bottom. The video covers tackle, rods, reels, rig assembly, boat setup, and favorite baits. It also covers recognizing the bite and making the process easier.

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  • Origin: The interest in swordfish started from Zane Grey's Tales of Swordfish and Tuna.
  • Purpose: Flatten the offshore fishing learning curve.
  • Resource: Comprehensive "In The Spread" video by Florida big game fishing expert RJ Boyle.
  • Key Learnings: Techniques, tools, bait rigging, recognizing the bite, and more.

Is there a more esoteric deep sea fishing challenge than the pursuit of the broadbill swordfish? It's hard to say. Ever since Zane Grey's Tales of Swordfish and Tuna, the sport fishing landscape was forever altered. These mysterious beasts from the deep have intrigued and confounded anglers the world over. We are here to flatten your offshore fishing learning curve. Learn how to catch swordfish with our comprehensive In The Spread video. See exactly how to improve your offshore fishing for catching swordfish using tactics and techniques perfected by Florida big game fishing expert RJ Boyle.

Deep Sea Fishing Challenge: The Pursuit of Broadbill Swordfish

With this comprehensive 2+ hour instructional video, you will gain a wealth of knowledge and invaluable insights into the world of swordfish fishing. Our expert, RJ Boyle, will guide you through every aspect of the sport, ensuring that you have the tools, techniques, and confidence to pursue these magnificent creatures.

  • Techniques: Discover the most effective and proven techniques for catching swordfish. From selecting the right location and understanding the behavior of these deep-sea predators to mastering the art of presenting your bait, you'll learn the secrets that have helped RJ Boyle become one of the most successful swordfish anglers in Florida.
  • Tools & Tackle: Dive deep into the essential tools and tackle required for swordfish fishing. RJ Boyle will provide an in-depth look at the rods, reels, lines, and terminal tackle that he relies on to bring in giant swordfish. You'll learn about the specific characteristics and advantages of each piece of equipment, allowing you to make informed decisions when gearing up for your own swordfish adventures.
  • Boat Setup: Proper boat setup is crucial for a successful swordfish fishing trip. In this video, you'll discover how to optimize your vessel for targeting these deep-dwelling giants. From the placement of your fishing equipment to the organization of your deck space, RJ Boyle will share his tried-and-true strategies for creating an efficient and effective fishing platform.
  • Bait Rigging: Explore the intricate world of swordfish bait rigging. RJ Boyle will break down the components of a swordfish rig, explaining the purpose and function of each element. You'll learn how to construct a rig from scratch, including the selection of hooks, leaders, and other terminal tackle. With this knowledge, you'll be able to create custom rigs tailored to your specific fishing conditions and preferences.
  • Swordfish Diet: Gain a deeper understanding of the swordfish's diet and feeding habits. RJ Boyle will share his insights into what these predators eat, where they hunt, and how they attack their prey. By understanding the swordfish's natural diet, you'll be better equipped to select the most effective baits and present them in a manner that triggers aggressive strikes.
  • Advance Tips and Tactics: Benefit from RJ Boyle's years of experience as he shares his top tips for swordfish fishing success. From reading weather patterns and current conditions to fine-tuning your drift speed and bait presentation, you'll learn the subtle adjustments that can make the difference between a slow day on the water and an epic swordfish catch.
  • Recognizing the Bite: One of the most critical skills in swordfish fishing is recognizing when a fish has taken your bait. In this video, RJ Boyle will teach you how to identify the various types of swordfish bites, from the subtle taps of a curious fish to the unmistakable run of a hooked-up giant. You'll also learn how to respond to each type of bite, setting the hook and fighting the fish effectively to ensure a successful catch.

By the end of this 2+ hour instructional video, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of what it takes to pursue and catch swordfish consistently. Whether you're a seasoned angler looking to expand your skillset or a newcomer to the world of deep-sea fishing, RJ Boyle's insights and expertise will help you elevate your swordfish fishing game to new heights.

The Swordfish Rig

The swordfish rig is a critical component of successful swordfish fishing, and its proper construction and assembly can make the difference between a day of missed opportunities and a day filled with epic catches. In this video, RJ Boyle will take you on a deep dive into the world of swordfish rigs, exploring each element in great detail and providing step-by-step guidance on how to assemble a rig that will entice and hold even the most massive swordfish.

  • Hooks: The foundation of any swordfish rig is the hook, and choosing the right type and size is essential. RJ Boyle will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of various hook styles, including circle hooks, J-hooks, and more. You'll learn about the specific sizes and strengths of hooks that are best suited for targeting swordfish, ensuring that you have the right hardware to handle these powerful predators.
  • Leaders and Wind-On Leaders: The leader and wind-on leader are critical components of the swordfish rig, providing the necessary strength and abrasion resistance to withstand the intense pressure of a fighting swordfish. RJ Boyle will explain the differences between various leader materials, such as monofilament, fluorocarbon, and wire, and help you determine the optimal length and pound test for your specific fishing conditions. You'll also learn about the importance of the wind-on leader and how to select the right size and material to ensure a smooth, reliable connection between your main line and the rest of the rig.
  • Braided Line vs. Monofilament: The choice between braided line and monofilament is a crucial decision in swordfish fishing, and RJ Boyle will help you understand the pros and cons of each. You'll learn about the specific characteristics of braided line, such as its high strength-to-diameter ratio and low stretch, and how these properties can be advantageous when fishing for swordfish in deep water. RJ will also discuss the benefits of monofilament, including its shock-absorbing properties and its ability to create a more natural presentation. By the end of this segment, you'll have a clear understanding of when and where to use each type of line in your swordfish rig.
  • Strobe Lights: Swordfish are known to be attracted to light, and incorporating strobe lights into your rig can be a game-changer. RJ Boyle will share his expertise on the most effective strobe light setups, including the optimal placement, color, and flash patterns to use. You'll learn how to rig your strobe lights so that they remain securely attached to your leader, even during the most intense battles with giant swordfish.
  • Weights: The weight of your swordfish rig is another essential factor to consider, as it affects the speed and depth at which your bait will travel through the water column. RJ Boyle will discuss the various types of weights available, including lead, tungsten, and more, and help you determine the best option for your specific fishing situation. You'll learn about the importance of weight placement and how to adjust your rig to achieve the perfect balance between depth and presentation.

By the end of this detailed segment on swordfish rigs, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of each component and how they work together to create a highly effective swordfish-catching setup. With RJ Boyle's expert guidance, you'll be able to construct your own custom rigs, tailored to your specific fishing conditions and preferences, and be well on your way to landing the swordfish of a lifetime.

Necessary Tackle

When it comes to swordfish fishing, having the right tackle on your boat and knowing how to set it up properly is crucial for success. In this comprehensive video, RJ Boyle will guide you through all the necessary equipment, ensuring that you're fully prepared for your swordfish adventures. You'll learn about the importance of crimps and how to use them effectively to create strong, reliable connections between your lines and leaders. RJ will discuss the different types of monofilament available and help you choose the right one for your specific needs. Additionally, he'll showcase the various cutters and pliers that are essential for rigging and maintaining your swordfish tackle.

Chafe gear is another critical component of your swordfish fishing setup. RJ Boyle will explain the different types of chafe gear available and demonstrate how to apply them correctly to your rigging. You'll also learn about the importance of keeping your hooks and other terminal tackle sharp, and RJ will show you how to use files to maintain their effectiveness.

Safety is paramount when it comes to swordfish fishing, and having the right safety equipment on board is essential. RJ Boyle will discuss the key safety items you should have, including life jackets, first aid kits, and more. You'll learn about the importance of having a well-organized and easily accessible safety setup, so that you can respond quickly and effectively in the event of an emergency.

Landing a giant swordfish requires specialized equipment, and RJ Boyle will provide in-depth instruction on the various gaffs and harpoons you'll need. You'll learn about the different types of gaffs available, including flying gaffs and dart gaffs, and understand the situations in which each one is most effective. RJ will also discuss the use of harpoons in swordfish fishing, including the proper technique for throwing a harpoon and the importance of having a high-quality harpoon rope.

By the end of this segment, you'll have a thorough understanding of all the necessary tackle required for swordfish fishing and how to set it up on your boat. RJ Boyle's expert guidance will ensure that you're fully equipped and prepared to take on the challenge of targeting these magnificent deep-sea predators. With the right tackle and setup, you'll be well on your way to experiencing the thrill of landing a giant swordfish for yourself. Nothing is left out in this comprehensive guide to swordfish fishing tackle and equipment.

Rods and Reels for Daytime Swords

When it comes to selecting the right rods and reels for broadbill swordfish fishing, there are numerous factors to consider. The geographic location of your fishing grounds, the strength of the currents, and the depth at which you'll be targeting these deep-sea giants all play a crucial role in determining the ideal setup for your needs.

If you're fishing for swordfish in the Northeast, you'll likely encounter different conditions than those found in the Gulf of Mexico. The currents in the Northeast can be particularly strong, which means you'll need a rod with enough backbone to withstand the pressure and maintain control over your bait and any hooked fish. In contrast, the currents in Florida or Texas may be more moderate, allowing for a slightly more forgiving rod choice.

The amount of current you're dealing with directly impacts your rod selection. A powerful current requires a stiffer, more heavy-duty rod that can resist the force of the moving water and keep your bait in the strike zone. RJ Boyle will discuss the various rod options available and help you understand the key characteristics to look for when choosing a rod for your specific fishing conditions.

In addition to the overall strength and action of the rod, the guides are another essential consideration. The ideal rod guides for swordfish fishing should be durable, corrosion-resistant, and able to withstand the constant friction of braided line or monofilament rubbing against them. RJ will discuss the different guide materials available, such as silicon carbide and aluminum oxide, and explain how to choose the right size and spacing for your rod.

When it comes to reels, the decision between a manual or electric setup is a significant one. If you're planning to drop your bait 1,800 feet to the bottom, you'll need to consider whether you want to manually crank all that line back up with a huge fish attached, or if an electric reel would be a more efficient and practical choice. RJ Boyle will discuss the pros and cons of each option and help you determine which one is best suited for your needs.

If you decide to go with an electric reel, the Lindgren Pitman is a popular choice among swordfish anglers. This powerful reel is designed to handle the immense depths and heavy loads associated with swordfish fishing. RJ will provide a detailed demonstration of how to operate the Lindgren Pitman, including how to properly spool it with line, adjust the drag, and use the electric motor to retrieve your bait or fight a fish.

Throughout this segment, you'll gain a deep insight into the world of swordfish fishing rods and reels. RJ Boyle's expert guidance will help you understand the key factors to consider when selecting your equipment, ensuring that you have the right tools for the job. Whether you're a seasoned swordfish angler or a newcomer to the sport, this comprehensive overview of rods and reels will provide you with the knowledge and confidence you need to tackle these incredible deep-sea predators.

Baits and Bait Rigging

When it comes to selecting the right baits for targeting xiphias gladius, also known as swordfish, there are several options to consider. Each type of bait has its own unique properties and can be effective in different situations. In this video, RJ Boyle will dive deep into the world of swordfish baits, helping you understand the pros and cons of each option and how to choose the best one for your specific fishing conditions.

One of the most popular and effective baits for swordfish is the squid. These versatile creatures can be rigged in a variety of ways, from whole to cut strips, and their natural scent and texture are highly attractive to swordfish. RJ will demonstrate various rigging techniques for squid baits and discuss the optimal sizes and colors to use in different situations.

Skirts are another essential component of many swordfish baits, as they add visual appeal and help to conceal the hook. RJ Boyle will showcase a variety of skirt colors and patterns, explaining how to choose the right one based on factors such as water clarity, depth, and time of day. From classic purple and black combinations to more vibrant colors like pink and blue, you'll learn about the most effective skirt options for attracting swordfish.

In addition to squid and skirts, there are several other bait options that can be highly effective for swordfish fishing. Bonita strips, mullet, lady fish, and tinker mackerel are all viable choices, each with their own unique characteristics. RJ will discuss the merits of each bait type and provide guidance on when and how to use them for maximum success.

Bonita strips, for example, are known for their tough, durable flesh that can withstand the powerful jaws of a swordfish. These strips can be rigged in a variety of ways and are often used in combination with a skirt to create a highly attractive bait presentation. Mullet, on the other hand, are prized for their oily flesh and strong scent, which can be particularly effective in attracting swordfish from a distance.

Lady fish and tinker mackerel are other popular bait choices, particularly in certain regions or during specific times of the year. RJ Boyle will discuss the unique properties of each bait and provide insights on when and where to use them for the best results.

Of course, the number of baits you'll need for a day on the water will depend on various factors, such as the size of your bait, the number of anglers on board, and the overall fishing conditions. RJ will provide general guidelines on how many baits to bring and offer tips on how to store and preserve them throughout the day to ensure maximum freshness and effectiveness.

By the end of this segment, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of the various bait options available for swordfish fishing and how to choose the right one for your specific needs. Whether you're using squid, bonita strips, mullet, or any other viable option, RJ Boyle's expert guidance will help you create the most attractive and effective bait presentation possible, increasing your chances of landing the swordfish of a lifetime.

Advanced Fishing Techniques

In this instructional video, RJ Boyle will delve into the intricate world of broadbill swordfish fishing techniques, which are among the most complex aspects of this type of fishing. One of the key challenges is accurately placing your bait on a specific spot on the ocean floor, often over a quarter of a mile away, while taking into account the current in your area.

RJ will share his expertise on how to properly drive the boat and position it in relation to the current, allowing you to drop your bait with precision. He'll discuss the importance of factors such as wind direction, speed, and drift, and how to use them to your advantage when targeting swordfish.

You'll learn how to calculate the amount of line to let out based on the depth of the water and the strength of the current, ensuring that your bait reaches the desired location. RJ will also demonstrate how to use various tools, such as GPS and sonar, to help you pinpoint the perfect spot to drop your bait.

Throughout this segment, RJ Boyle will share his wealth of knowledge and experience, providing you with the techniques and strategies you need to master the art of broadbill swordfish fishing. By the end of this video, you'll have a solid understanding of how to effectively position your boat and drop your bait, increasing your chances of success on the water.

Recognizing The Bite

One of the most challenging aspects of swordfish fishing is recognizing and reacting to the bite. In this comprehensive instructional video, RJ Boyle will provide in-depth guidance on how to identify a swordfish bite and take the appropriate action to set the hook and secure your catch.

You'll learn about the different types of bites, from the subtle taps of a curious fish to the aggressive strikes of a hungry predator. RJ will explain how to distinguish between these bites and how to adjust your reaction accordingly. He'll also demonstrate the proper technique for setting the hook, ensuring that you have a solid connection with the fish.

Throughout the video, RJ will take you through several real-life battles with swordfish, providing a clear picture of what to expect and how to handle yourself when hooked up. You'll learn about the importance of maintaining a proper fighting stance, how to adjust your drag, and when to apply pressure or give line to the fish.

By the end of this segment, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of how to recognize and react to a swordfish bite, as well as how to fight and land these incredible creatures. This instructional video is the most in-depth swordfish fishing resource on the market, setting the standard for sport fishing instruction. Whether you're a seasoned angler or a newcomer to the sport, watching this video will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to succeed in the exciting world of swordfish fishing.

Who is RJ Boyle?

RJ Boyle is a Florida big game fishing expert who has created the comprehensive "In The Spread" video to teach enthusiasts about swordfish fishing.

How long is the instructional video?

The video spans over 2 hours.

What are the main components of the swordfish rig?

The swordfish rig includes hooks, leaders, lines, strobe lights, and various weights.

What kind of baits are recommended for swordfish fishing?

Baits such as bonita strips, mullet, lady fish, ballyhoo and tinker mackerel are some of the options.

How can one recognize the bite of a swordfish?

The instructional video provides insights on recognizing the bite and the subsequent actions to ensure a successful catch.

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