Blue Marlin - Fishing Tackle with Kevin Hibbard

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Instructor: Kevin Hibbard

Captain Kevin Hibbard, a seasoned marlin fishing captain, shares his expertise on chasing and catching big marlin. He has tested various rods, reels, and line, and provides insights on reels, backing, mainlines, drag, drag settings, usage, custom rods, and custom cuts. Hibbard's unique ability to articulate his approach makes him a smarter fisherman. By listening to his insights, you can become a more effective marlin fisherman.

Description / Review / Instructor

Summary of Key Takeaways:

  • Blue marlin fishing is unpredictable in terms of fish size.
  • Certain destinations are known for larger marlins.
  • Having the proper fishing tackle is essential when fishing in these areas.
  • Big marlins are caught worldwide, both by commercial and recreational fishermen.
  • Captain Kevin Hibbard, an expert in marlin fishing, shares his wisdom on the best tackle.

Blue marlin fishing is a game of chance. You never know what size fish is going to eat your bait. Sure, in many places averages will dictate size and you can feel confident in using 50 or 80 pound reels paired with appropriate rods. But, and there is always a but, in some destinations, the destinations we all like to or wish to fish, marlin are a bit bigger. You never know whether the fish that piles on your presentation is a 150 pound rat or the 1200 pound mama. When fishing destinations where there is even a remote chance of tangling with giant marlin, your fishing tackle better be up to the challenge.

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Kevin Hibbard

Captain Kevin Hibbard, a renowned blue marlin fishing expert, has a deep connection to the ocean and has honed his skills in heavy tackle and lure fishing. He has honed his knowledge and techniques from the best captains in the business, including Henry Chee and George Parker. Hibbard's approach to fishing is simple, focused, and trusting, ensuring the best lures are chosen for the ocean's conditions. His dedication to the craft and his passion for the ocean's giants make him a sought-after fishing expert.

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