Tuna Fishing - Sinking Stickbaits for Bluefin

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Instructor: Seth Hartwick

Bluefin tuna are a discerning big game species, and precision is crucial for successful fishing. Seth Hartwick offers tips on sinking stickbaits, lure sizes, natural presentations, bird behavior, rigging, and optimal hooks. He also covers essential gear like reels and rods. This fishing video is a valuable learning tool for anglers interested in casting lures to bluefin tuna.

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Summary of the Video

  • Topic: Bluefin Tuna Fishing
  • Focus: Precision in every aspect of fishing
  • Lures: Use of sinking stickbaits
  • Advantage: Avoiding interference from birds
  • Expert Advice: Seth Hartwick, an experienced tuna fisherman
  • Lure Specifics: Importance of size, color, and resemblance to what tuna feed on
  • Video Insights: Techniques, lure presentation, boat positioning, and understanding bird behavior

Bluefin tuna fishing, at the highest level, demands precision and adaptability. The behavior of bluefin tuna, coupled with environmental factors, demands a strategic approach. These fish are known for their speed and strength, making them challenging targets. Their discerning nature means they're not easily fooled by subpar techniques or equipment.

The use of sinking stickbaits is a tactical response to the presence of birds like shearwaters during fishing. These birds, attracted by the commotion of baitfish being attacked, can interfere with fishing by going after lures near the surface. By using lures that sink, you effectively place your bait below the zone of bird activity, increasing the chances of reaching the tuna without disturbance.

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Seth Hartwick

Seth Hartwick is a topwater fishing enthusiast, traveling worldwide to catch GTs and Tuna using big poppers and stickbaits. He values the natural state of the ocean and far off reefs, and has made over 83 overseas trips. Seth has shared adventures with his dad and works as a journeyman lineman for a power company in SE Michigan.

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