In The Spread Fishing Videos provides a comprehensive guide to fishing techniques and tactics, focusing on hard core teaching and graduate level content. By exposing fishermen to innovative techniques and gaining exposure to the latest methods, viewers can shorten their learning curve and stay abreast of well-thought-out strategies. The videos cover swordfishing, dredge fishing, planer fishing, bait and lure rigging styles, and trolling strategies for various fisheries.

Fishing Videos - Knowledge Transfer
Transfering Knowledge with Fishing Videos
With all the content creators out there posting fishing videos by the thousands, on a daily basis, how in the living heck do you know where to spend your valuable time? What is worth watching? What sites do you visit where they actually teach below the surface tactics and techniques for catching fish?
If you are like me, you have had enough of watching folks fish. I like to spend my time watching fishing videos that not only how demonstrate what to do, but why you should do it. That is perhaps to more pressing question. Why should I use a particular piece of tackle? What are the benefits? That is what I like to know and that is why I dedicate myself to making fishing videos that are all about hard core teaching. My goal is to make graduate level and beyond type content.
With all things fishing, inshore or offshore, to get better you must continually learn. There are loads of innovators out there developing new tackle, electronics and ways to present baits. Sure, the old ways work, but to thrive in today's high pressure fisheries, we must be on top of the latest and most effective fishing methods and techniques.
One of the best ways to broaden your base of fishing knowledge is to gain exposure to the fishermen that excel year in and year out. There are a lot of different ways to achieve success. Having credible and proven sources of information will help you shorten your learning curve and stay abreast of well thought and practiced strategies.
It is amazing what we, with In The Spread Fishing Videos, have been able to do for so many fishermen around the world. We have shared cutting edge techniques for swordfishing, dredge fishing and planer fishing. We have brought bait and lure rigging styles from elite fishermen from every ocean. We have broken down trolling and baiting strategies for marlin, tuna, wahoo and dolphin. We don't do it once. We do it time and time again, to bring you a variety of perspectives from different fisheries, so you get a more complete picture of the how's and why's.
Learning is so critical to your success. With our fishing videos, we facilitate a knowledge transfer the likes of which is hard to beat. For you, you get to save time and get right to learning. Who has the time to search endlessly for quality fishing videos. One here, one there. Are you really getting the value that you deserve? Having one site that you can go to and get instant access to high level fishing knowledge is invaluable. We offer you a one stop shop. The quicker you can get to applying what you learn, the closer you are to that fish of a lifetime.
The one thing you can count on is that we will not work with just any fishermen. My standard is to only work with really smart fishermen, in order to stretch your thinking. Going back to your time be valuable, if you are going to learn from someone, you damn sure want that person to make you think. You want the person you are learning from to be in possession of knowledge, skills and a way of thinking to exceeds yours. That is how you learn, being challenged.
I believe to real difference maker with the In The Spread fishing videos is that my team and I are never satisfied. Each and everyone that works at In The Spread possesses a sense of curiosity, a thirst for knowledge that is unquenched. There is always somebody to fish with that can teach us something. That translates into what we want to share with you.
For me personally, being able to meet with and discuss ideas with some of the very best fishermen is exciting. It fuels my desire to know more. If I am curious, I know others must be, as well. In that vein, we all get to learn some cool stuff and be better fishermen.
Seth Horne
Seth Horne In The Spread, Creator