Fishing for Black Puppy Drum

September 07, 2018
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As winter's chill descends, the inshore waters beckon with the promise of a bountiful catch. The target? Not the usual suspects, but the often-overlooked black drum, specifically the smaller, delectable "puppy" drum. These little morsels, though not as grand in size, offer an excellent flavor and texture, making them a prized catch for those in the know. The black drum, a bottom feeder like its cousins the redfish and sea trout, has a penchant for shrimp, fiddler crabs, and smaller blue crabs. This diet is what gives the black drum its unique flavor, a taste that is often underappreciated due to the smaller fillet yield. However, those who have tasted the succulent meat of the puppy drum know that size isn't everything. When it comes to black drum fishing, the key is to know where and how to target them. The deeper holes and channels, especially those near the river's edge, are often teeming with these fish. The Homosassa River, with its spring-fed headwaters maintaining a constant 72 degrees, is a prime location. As the tides move, the warm water is pulled out of the river, creating warmer swirling water in these holes and channels, attracting quality bait and, in turn, the black drum.


  • Introduction to Black Puppy Drum Fishing
  • Understanding Black Drum Characteristics
  • Effective Fishing Techniques for Black Drum

As winter's chill descends, the inshore waters beckon with the promise of a bountiful catch. The target? Not the usual suspects, but the often-overlooked black drum, specifically the smaller, delectable puppy drum fish. These little morsels, though not as grand in size, offer an excellent flavor and texture, making them a prized catch for those in the know.

The black drum, a bottom feeder like its cousins the redfish and sea trout, has a penchant for shrimp, fiddler crabs, and smaller blue crabs. This diet is what gives the black drum its unique flavor, a taste that is often underappreciated due to the smaller fillet yield. However, those who have tasted the succulent meat of the puppy drum know that size isn't everything.

When it comes to black drum fishing, the key is to know where and how to target them. The deeper holes and channels, especially those near the river's edge, are often teeming with these fish. The Homosassa River, with its spring-fed headwaters maintaining a constant 72 degrees, is a prime location. As the tides move, the warm water is pulled out of the river, creating warmer swirling water in these holes and channels, attracting quality bait and, in turn, the black drum.

The Allure of Black Drum Fishing

Black drum fish, not to be confused with their larger kin, are a hidden gem in the culinary world. Despite their modest size, puppy drum fish are packed with flavor. This delicacy stems from their diet, which includes shrimp, fiddler crabs, and smaller blue crabs. Such a diet lends the black drum a taste profile that is underappreciated due to the smaller fillets they yield.

Where to Find Them: Hotspots for Black Puppy Drum

Locating black drum requires a blend of skill and knowledge. These fish gravitate towards deeper holes and channels, especially near river edges. Take, for example, the Homosassa River. Its spring-fed headwaters maintain a consistent 72 degrees, creating ideal conditions for black drum. As tides shift, these warm waters mix into the surrounding channels, drawing in bait and, subsequently, our target species.

Expert Insights

Capt. William Toney, an authority on Florida light tackle fishing, has made a career out of understanding these patterns. His instructional video, brimming with tactics and tips, is a treasure trove for those aspiring to master black drum fishing. From bait selection to bait rigging, from positioning the boat to the art of casting, Capt. Toney's advice is indispensable.

A Crucial Tip

When targeting black drum, it's important to avoid larger specimens, typically over 30 inches in length. These giants often harbor worms in their flesh, making the smaller puppy drum a more desirable catch.

Winter Fishing: A Rewarding Pursuit

Fishing for black drum in winter can be exceptionally rewarding. This activity offers a delightful alternative to venturing into open waters during colder months. With the right tactics, you could easily fill both your boat and your dining table with this exquisite fish.

As you plan your next winter fishing expedition, consider setting your sights on the black puppy drum. This underappreciated species might just become a new favorite.

Seth Horne In The Spread,
Chief Creator
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