Smallmouth Bass - Jigging with Tube Jigs

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Instructor: Scott Lewis

Scott Lewis, an educated biologist, shares his knowledge on smallmouth bass fishing in tail waters. As a resident guide in Northeast Tennessee, he uses fly fishing or conventional methods for smallies, musky, brown trout, rainbow trout, stripers, and other species in the southern Appalachian tri-state region.

Description / Review / Instructor


  • Educated Biologist: Scott Lewis possesses a deep understanding of aquatic ecosystems.
  • Research Methodology: Scott snorkels river shoals to study the local fish population and their behavior.
  • Expertise: Renowned instructor for "In The Spread" bass fishing videos.
  • Primary Fishing Waters: Eastern Tennessee targeting smallmouth bass, stripers, trout, and muskie.
  • Tackle Preference: Both fly fishing and conventional tackle.
  • Video Insights: Focus on targeting smallmouth bass fish in rivers, understanding fish behavior based on water flow, and using tube jigs effectively.
  • Fishing Techniques: Recommendations on fishing ledges, seams, islands' bottom end, and slack water eddies.
Smallmouth Bass Fishing in Rivers: Dive Deep with Biologist Scott Lewis

Scott Lewis isn't just your average angler. With a rich background in biology and a lifetime spent with a fishing rod in hand, he brings an unparalleled depth of knowledge to river bass fishing. His specialty? The elusive smallmouth bass.

A Unique Approach to Fishing

While most anglers rely on local knowledge or online resources, Scott immerses himself - quite literally - into the environment. By snorkeling through river shoals, he gains firsthand insight into the aquatic ecosystems. From observing the tiny insects, baitfish, and freshwater crustaceans that populate the waters, to noting the behavior of different fish species, Scott collects invaluable data.

Upon returning, he's not merely casting a line. He's executing a meticulously researched plan, targeting specific species with precision.

The Educator Behind the Rod

Have you come across the 'In The Spread' bass fishing videos? Scott is the brilliant mind behind them. His calm demeanor and unassuming nature might fool you, but make no mistake – he's sharp as a tack. Scott's intricate understanding of what smallmouth bass feed on, and their preferred habitats, can be traced back to his time spent observing them in their natural habitat.

Eastern Tennessee: Scott's Fishing Playground

Scott's primary fishing grounds are the vibrant waters of Eastern Tennessee. Whether it's smallmouth bass, stripers, trout, or muskie, he's adept with both fly fishing and conventional tackle.

Mastering River Fishing with Scott

Fishing rivers for smallmouth bass comes with its set of challenges, especially in the south where tail waters are common. These waters, affected by scheduled dam releases, fluctuate in levels, influencing fish behavior. Scott's expertise lies in understanding these nuances.

In his upcoming video, he delves deep into:

  • Smallmouth Bass Fishing Spots: Where he likes to target bass and the reasons behind it.
  • Baiting Techniques: Using tube jigs, Scott showcases how to navigate the turbulent waters below a shoal or ledge. From choosing the right jig size to multiple rigging techniques, he covers it all.
  • Angling Strategies: Learn from the master about the minor techniques that can make a huge difference. From avoiding snags to identifying the best fishing spots – Scott shares it all.

A Journey Down the River

Join Scott as he navigates a river stretch, identifying key areas for you to focus on. From fishing ledges, seams, the base of islands, to slack water eddies – he points out where bass are most likely to be. Moreover, he delves into boat positioning, bait presentation theories, common mistakes, and a plethora of other fishing tips.

Level Up Your Fishing Game

If you're passionate about fishing, especially for smallmouth bass in rivers, Scott Lewis's insights are gold. Arm yourself with proven knowledge and fish not just harder, but smarter.

Who is Scott Lewis?
Scott Lewis is an educated biologist and a seasoned fisherman. His deep understanding of aquatic ecosystems offers him a unique perspective on river bass fishing.

Why does he snorkel in rivers?
Scott snorkels to observe and study the local fish population, their behavior, and the ecosystem. This hands-on research informs his fishing techniques and strategies.

Where does Scott primarily fish?
Scott's primary fishing grounds are the waters of Eastern Tennessee, where he targets species like smallmouth bass, stripers, trout, and muskie.

What can one learn from Scott's fishing video?
In his video, Scott provides insights on targeting bass fish in rivers, understanding fish behavior based on water flow, and effective use of tube jigs. He covers a range of techniques and strategies that help anglers optimize their fishing expeditions.

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