On fishing trips, the best memories often emerge from relentless banter and joke-telling among friends. When skilled anglers gather, their mix of expertise and wit creates an atmosphere ripe for unforgettable moments – from savage roasts to hysterical mishaps, these shared laughs forge deeper bonds and lasting memories on the water.

Shit Talking and Joke Telling While Fishing
I want to share a quick thought with you after reviewing footage from my latest trip to Costa Rica and laughing out loud in the process. Some of the best and most memorable moments that transpire on a fishing trip take place against the back drop of shit talking, savage banter, name calling, abuse, skills obliteration and joke telling. Laughter is one of those things that will deeply embed a memory and on so many of the trips I have been on, there is a lot of laughing.
For quick context, it is well known that laughter plays a crucial role in memory formation, particularly during shared experiences like fishing trips with friends. When we laugh together, it creates emotional bonds, making those moments more memorable. The positive emotions associated with shared laughter enhance our ability to recall these experiences and make them more enjoyable in our memories.
In my opinion, you must have the right mix of friends and friends of friends to catalyze the chain reaction for non stop shit talking and joke telling. It is this ribbing and playful shit talking that lights the fuse of the mayhem that unfolds on a good fishing trip. YKIYK
I have the pleasure of fishing with a lot of different captains, guides, fellow fishermen and some super funny motherF'ers. This makes for a treasure trove of skills and humor to revel in. One character trait that I especially enjoy the most from the folks I having the pleasure of fishing with is a witty sense of humor. Being a ninja level fishermen helps too.
Laughing until tears stream down your cheeks makes for a good day on the water. When a fishing buddy with immeasurable amounts of fishing skill and experience gained fishing across the planet flails and does something worthy of ridicule, it's game on. It's all in jest, of course, and we love each other for it.
My recent trip to Costa Rica turned into a powder keg of laughter and good times. Mike Hennessy is a smart fishermen with global fishing experience. He is also a low key funny dude. Reubin Payne, owner of Alaskan Widespread Fishing, is a very accomplished fishing and hunting guide and lodge owner. I first meet Mike probably twenty years ago in Southern Costa Rica when he was running a boat for a German rock band. Reubin, I meet in high school. He and I started fishing together back then. Both of these guys are very smart. I love fishing and traveling with them. One thing is for sure, both love talking smack.
Mike has a subtle sense of humor that manifests in his low key needling. Reubin, on the other hand, has endless jokes. You put these two guys together and it's on. Over 5 days of fishing, Reubin told joke after joke, day after day, without repeating a joke. His repertoire is shocking. I can't tell you how times we found ourselves laughing hysterically. It was one of the best trips. Top 5 for sure (this is an inside joke from the trip).
I can't remember all the jokes, but I can remember the good times. I will share one funny fishing episode that all of us bellowing with jeers. Mike's fellow captain onboard Colio Sportfishing in Costa Rica Luis Enrique, who is amazing, fishes along with us and talks his own amount of shit. Anyway, we were dropping baits on a 100 foot bottom fishing spot and Luis has a tendency to drop a jig or cast a live bait for mid-water or surface cruising pelagics. There could be 150 pound tarpon, sailfish, black marlin, huge jacks or any type of predator on this spot. Anyway, Luis hooks into something that seems big. It's peeling line and at first we thought it was a big tarpon, but no jumps. What could it be? He is battling this thing and we are all getting excited. After a good battle, the line starts flattening out and we are all anticipating a trophy fish to breech the surface when all of a sudden a turtles head pops out of the water. Holy shit. A big ass sea turtle took his bait. Laughter and shit talking ensued and as I watch the video we captured of the moment, a big smile spreads across my face.
If you take fishing too seriously, you can miss out on growing your bonds of friendship and building lasting memories. Get with the right crew and let it all hang out. Enjoy life, fish hard and laugh your ass off.