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wahoo trolling spread

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    high speed trolling spreads for big and small boats video cover

    2020, Wahoo - High Speed Trolling Spread

    This video explains the benefits of using a simple wahoo trolling spread for high-speed fishing. Overcomplicating the setup can lead to tangling lines and idle time. It covers setting up a clean and efficient spread for both small and big boats, with three rod spreads for small boats and four rod spreads for big boats. As experience increases, understanding your boat and fishing limitations can help you catch more fish.

  • setting the spread high speed trolling wahoo video cover

    2020, Wahoo - Lure Spread for High Speed Trolling

    High speed trolling is the top method for wahoo fishing in the Bahamas and surrounding islands. The best fishermen have their systems in place, paying close attention to details. Corey Burlew, a lifelong fisherman, shares his knowledge on wahoo trolling, tackle preferences, tuning, angling tips, and boat driving for easier gaff shots.