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musky fishing videos

  • Collins River Musky Fall Transition

    2020, Muskie - Fishing the Collins River Fall Transition

    Collins River Musky fishing is a healthy, skinny water environment with deep holes, weed beds, rock beds, and wood. Dwayne Hickey, the Godfather of the Collins, shares his simplified approach to musky fishing, focusing on shallow stretches, deep holes, rock beds, and wood. His knowledge and experience can be applied to any small river system, making musky fishing more effective.

  • Catching Muskie with Live Bait

    2019, Muskie - Fishing Live Bait with Cory Allen

    Livebait is effective for muskie fishing, especially during colder periods. It offers a unique angle and allows for other methods to be combined. Joe Murphy's STFF rigs are showcased in an In The Spread video, showcasing their effectiveness and various presentation methods to increase success rates.

  • Collins River Musky Fishing on Fly

    2018, Muskie - Collins River Fly Fishing Tactics

    In The Spread's Fly Fishing for Musky on the Collins River features Captain Chad Bryson, a multi-discipline fisherman with extensive skills in fly and conventional gear. He shares river dynamics, muskie habitats, and successful fishing areas, as well as water features, presentation mechanics, rods, and reels. Bryson's knowledge of water, species behavior, and willingness to share his knowledge will help anglers become more successful.

  • Kayak Fishing for Musky

    2018, Muskie - Kayak Fishing

    Jase Bouldin, a pioneer of musky fishing from kayaks, shares his knowledge on ideal kayaks for skinny rivers, musky lures, and controlling your craft while throwing heavy freshwater tackle. He also shares tips for navigating rivers, tackle, and muskie behavior in skinny rivers. This valuable information can be applied to regular fishing programs, making it a valuable resource for anyone interested in musky fishing.

  • How to Catch Muskie Fish on Channel Flats

    2018, Muskie - Fishing Channel Flats and Feeder Streams

    Muskie savant Cory Allen teaches how to find, map, and fish side feeder stream cuts, avoiding bank facing and avoiding fish. Understanding topography helps fish hang and pay dirt smarter.

  • Best Big Lures for Muskie with Cory Allen

    2018, Muskie - Best Big Lures with Cory Allen

    Muskie fishing is a sport of extremes, with both smaller and larger muskies. In this In The Spread fishing video, Cory Allen showcases better Brobdingnagian baits for musky anglers, emphasizing their size as an asset. Allen's unique skills in understanding fish behavior and enhancing bait storage can help fish smarter.

  • Best Small Lures for Muskie with Cory Allen

    2018, Muskie - Best Small Lures with Cory Allen

    Musky fishing is often associated with big rods, big fish, and big baits. However, many of the largest fish were caught on smaller presentations, some geared for other species. Cory Allen, a musky lure savant, shares his insights on selecting the right lures for muskie fishing.

  • Glide Baits for Musky with Cory Allen

    2018, Muskie - Glide Baits with Cory Allen

    In The Spread muskie fishing video focuses on curated twitch and glide baits for muskie anglers. Instructor Cory Allen offers deep insights into musky lure analysis, helping anglers find unique tools for their tasks. By learning from the best, anglers can fish smarter and enhance their arsenal.